How to Improve Your Search Engine Optimisation With the Hummingbird Update

You’re not alone if you’re wondering how to improve your search engine optimisation. There are many different aspects, from On-page SEO to mobile SEO. This article will cover the latest algorithm changes and how the Hummingbird update will affect your website. After reading this, you’ll feel more confident about your SEO Adelaide efforts. And don’t forget about those crucial links! Here are four essential aspects of optimising:

SEO AdelaideOn-page SEO

On-page SEO Adelaide for search engine optimisation is improving your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. Search engine algorithms evaluate a website’s content based on the keywords it has been optimised for and compare it to the pages within its index. If these pages are relevant to the users’ needs, they will appear higher than competitors’ sites in the search results. On-page SEO has a variety of factors, and when used correctly, it can improve the rankings and traffic of a website. For more information, visit

Page content consists of text and images. By optimising these elements, Google will know what queries to rank the page for. The best practice is to use your target keyword three to four times throughout the content of a web page. It will also improve the topicality of the content and help it stand out from the rest of the web page.

Google’s algorithm

Google’s algorithm to rank websites often changes, so it’s always important to stay on top of the latest updates. While Google doesn’t announce these changes very often, some core changes may impact your website. If you don’t already receive Google alerts, you can set one up to receive information about algorithm changes. This way, you’ll know when a change is coming and can implement it before your competitors do.

Google’s algorithm retrieves data from pages and assigns them a rank based on several factors, such as how frequently the keywords appear on a page. Generally speaking, the higher the ranking, the more likely a page will appear higher on Google’s search results page. Ideally, the pages with the highest rankings will be the first links listed because these pages are more relevant and contain more relevant content.

Mobile SEO

Optimising your site for mobile users involves ensuring that your content is geared towards this audience. These mobile users want information quickly, using title tags and meta descriptions. Getting these right can drive mobile traffic from relevant searches. Title tags are crucial because they tell people what your page is about and provide a preview of your page. To make sure that your title tags are effective, make sure to use keywords that are relevant to your content. The keywords should be placed at the beginning of the title tag and should be descriptive. For more information, visit

Research has shown that over 50% of online searches are done on mobile devices. This number is steadily increasing, which makes it essential to make your internet presence mobile-friendly. Mobile-friendly websites also get extra points from Google users. To make sure your website is mobile-friendly, try these 50 SEO statistics. They can give you an idea of the right keywords to get more traffic to your site. The right keywords can significantly affect how many clicks your website receives.

Google’s Hummingbird update

The Hummingbird update introduced new filter and comparison features to SERPs. Before this update, Google had introduced Knowledge Graph, which had been improved and can now show comparisons between similar queries. In addition, it can filter out spammy content. In other words, Hummingbird has made search more relevant for users and has made it easier to find the information they’re looking for. Listed below are some of the fundamental changes to the algorithm.

SEO is a powerful marketing strategy that will increase your website’s organic visibility. Organic visibility means your site will appear in search results because your potential customers are looking for your product or service. It means more traffic to your website and the potential to engage with customers. Keywords play a significant role in this process. Without SEO, potential leads may not even know your business exists. But, with SEO, potential leads will see you and begin the engagement process.