At-Home Exercises to Support Ongoing Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is a proven type of treatment to help with various disorders, including stroke, cerebral palsy, and other developmental delay problems. If you or a family member is undergoing therapy sessions, there are simple techniques you can do at home to support treatment.


Therapy sessions can be done twice or once a week, depending on your speech therapist’s recommendations. While you’re at home, these techniques can help speed up your progress, and your therapist will appreciate the fact that you’re trying to help yourself even outside of the clinic.



Blow on a Straw


To help exercise the lip area, blow on a straw five to ten times and rest for one minute. Repeat the process around ten more times. This exercise can be done at least thrice in a day and is very helpful for people who suffered a stroke.




Pouting and pursing the lips repeatedly can help with pronunciation. Pout your lips first then zip them. Count 25 times while doing the exercise. Try to open your mouth as wide as you can before repeating the pout-and-purse technique.


Tongue Exercise


The tongue is a crucial part of speech, and you will have to strengthen this part of your oral cavity to increase progress during sessions with your speech therapist South Australia. In this exercise, you have to stick your tongue out, and when you take it back inside your mouth, grit your teeth while smiling wide. Rest your mouth for a few minutes then repeat the procedure up to five times. It will help with mobility and control.


Mouth Massage


Use the middle and index fingers of both hands to press the corners of your mouth. Don’t press too hard and make circles using your fingers while moving your lips around. The lips also play a significant role in speech therapy, so you have to strengthen them as well.


Take Short Walks


While this exercise is not related to your mouth or face, walking around the neighbourhood or just outside your house can help prepare your body, especially if a stroke stiffened your muscles. You can consult with your speech therapist South Australia regarding the length of time you are allowed to walk and for how many times you can take walks in a day. This exercise will help strengthen the body and potentially hasten a patient’s recovery.


Speech therapists not only help with oral cavity exercises, but they also provide tips to enhance your overall well-being. Depending on the severity of a patient’s condition, a therapist may also work with physical therapists for joint exercises that will help boost your system.


Consult with a speech therapy expert today if you’re looking forward to getting back to your daily routine. It may take some time before you recover entirely but rest assured that your therapist will help you overcome the recovery and healing process.